Sinazo Kopolo | Production Assistant & Costume and Make-up Stylist

Sinazo Kopolo (@kopolo_sinazo)
Q: Tell me a little about yourself, who you are and where you are from?

A: I am Sinazo Kopolo, boen and raised in the Eastern Cape. I am from a big family and i always loved stories.

Q; How did you get to where you are today? what has been your career path?

A: I studied at AFDA, i measured in costume and make up styling. after graduation i got interested in production. i have been a production assistant in a television show and o am now working for a talent agency.

Q:What is it that got you interested in production?

A: What i like about production is that sometimes i get to work under pressure and that i will be given opportunities to solve problems creatively.

Q: When are you most creative?

A: I am most creative when i am by myself just before i go to sleep and when i am working under pressure.

Q: How do you define success? 

A: As being happy and living in the moment.

Q: What is the bet advice you've ever received in general, or about how to be creative?

A: That, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Q: What advice would your give to someone following your career path?

A: Bekezela mta sekhaya  ( Be patient)


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